
Biergarten am Muffatwerk


Champagne Supernova

sonnige Beats & kühle Drinks

Opening hours
Provided the weather is good the beergarden opens on weekends from 12 noon, starting 14th of March.
Weather telephone  089 45 87 50 73


The Beergarden has 400 seats in a sunny Southwest exposure, with approximately 100 of those under Munich's biggest awning.

We are a certified organic business, DE-Öko-006

The kitchen combines classic beergarden dishes with Mediterranean influences and light vegetarian meals. The drinks menu features crisp Hofbräu and unfiltered Bio-Lammsbräu on tap, good wines, espresso and everything one hopes to find in a well-stocked bar. The location on the 70 km long Isar bike trail (from Wolfratshausen to Freising) is unique: a beergarden in the park, adjacent to a listed industrial site. Cyclists will find plenty of bike racks, our little guests can play in a sandpit and for bigger kids there's a public playground only 150 meters away.

Ever since its opening in August 2002 - with the best reviews in local newspapers - the "Biergarten am Muffatwerk" has quickly become an insider's tip. With its unique location along the Isar, the late opening hours and the wide range of biologically sourced dishes the beergarden fills a gap in Munich's outdoor gastronomy.


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