


An Art & Science Symposium

coordinated by Jens Hauser, curator

Sampling Color – Farbe Vermessen

Living Installations by Agnes Meyer-Brandis, Thomas Feuerstein, Adam Brown and Symposium
07. – 16.9.2021

What is ‘green’? Are we ‘green’? And is it the vegetative world at all? Are algae ‘superfoods’, environmental pests – or both? Is biodiesel green? Beyond the rampant ‘greenwashing’ of our times, artists and scientists in this symposium get to the bottom of the increasingly uncritically accepted symbolism of ‘green’ – as a RE-mix and RE-evaluation of contradictions and paradoxes. Engineers praise ‘green’ chemistry or biotechnology as ecologically benign, while climate researchers, on the other hand, bemoan the ‘greening of the earth’ as an alarming sign of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, and toxic algal blooms discredit the overused association of ‘green’ with sustainability. Is ‘green’ perhaps so important to us because naturalness and artificiality, the healthy and the toxic, the hoped-for and the lost oscillate here? Is ‘green’ perhaps even itself a ‘presumptuous’ or ‘pretentious’ color, whose casual symbolic use should be increasingly questioned? The panel contributions discuss art on the threshold of the techno-sciences, and emphasize the material factors of what appears to us as ‘green’ – but no longer just metaphorically but above all metabolically!


14.00 – 14.15 Dietmar Lupfer
Muffatwerk München
Welcome Address: Why gREen at Muffatwerk?

14.15 – 14.45 Jens Hauser
University of Copenhagen/Medical Museion
Greenness: Sketching the Limits of a Normative Fetish

14.45 – 15.15 Agnes Meyer-Brandis
Artist, Berlin, FFUR Institute for Art and Subjective Science
Have a tea with a tree

15.15 – 15.45 Jörg-Peter Schnitzler
Helmholtz Zentrum München, Research Unit Environmental Simulation (EUS)
The scent of trees: A volatile alphabet for communication with their environment

15.45 – 16.00 Break

16.00 – 16.30 Thomas Feuerstein
Artist, Vienna
Green Unicorns

16.30 – 17.00 Adam Brown
Artist, East Lansing, Michigan State University
Shadows from the Walls of Death: Re-Mediating Green

17.00 – 17.15 Break

17.15 – 17.45 Ewen Chadronnet
Makery, Paris
Roscosmoe: Why did the sea worm want to go to space ?

17.45 – 18.15 Maya Minder
Green Open Food Evolution, Zürich
Becoming Homo Photosyntheticus. A speculative fabulation

18.15 – 19.00 Wrap-up & Discussions

Anfahrt Pressematerial

Speakers and Abstracts
gREen, 7.-16.9.